Nivala biogas plant
– local energy for the clean future

Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners (CIP) and Wega Group Oy are developing a large-scale biogas plant in Nivala. The biogas plant, to be completed in 2026, will produce liquefied biomethane from local agricultural side streams. The plant also produces biofertilizer, which is intended to be used for cultivation on local farms.

Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners (CIP) and Wega Group Oy are developing a large-scale biogas plant in Nivala. The biogas plant, to be completed in 2026, will produce liquefied biomethane from local agricultural side streams. The plant also produces biofertilizer, which is intended to be used for cultivation on local farms.

Photo: Jari Jyrkkä

Planned capacity: 400,000 – 800,000 tons of feedstock per year

150 – 220 GWh/a liquefied biomethane

Expected to be completed: 2026

Kurunpuhto industrial area, Nivala

News about the project

The year changes, development continues!


Groundworks progressing on site!

Soil investigations for the Kurunpuhdon project area have been completed, and trees in the area have now been cleared. The work done on the site supports the final planning of the facility area and serves as a concrete example of the project’s progress.

Project’s EIA report in public announcement

The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) report for the Nivala biogas project is now in public announcement, and the documents are available online from September 27 to November 1, 2024, at: A reasoned conclusion from the authority regarding the EIA process is expected later this year.

Nivala agricultural exhibition!

Nivala biogas attended the Nivala agricultural exhibition in August 2024. At our stand, visitors were able to participate in a raffle, drive a pedal tractor track and discuss the possibilities of the local biogas. Nivala biogas stand had many visitors on both days, and the opportunity to deliver raw materials raised a lot of interest.

Thank you to all visitors and those who came to discuss the project with us!

Nivala agricultural exhibition 23.-24.8.2024

Nivala biogas is attending Nivala agricultural exhibition 23.-24.8.2024. You can find us next to the main gate, from stand 22. Welcome to our stand to discuss the project with the development team!

The report phase of the EIA procedure and the environmental permit application have been submitted during summer and are being processed by the authorities

The report phase of the Environmental impact assessment (EIA) procedure and the environmental permit application for the project are under review by the authorities. The EIA report will be published here. Conclusions of the EIA procedure are expected to be received until November.

Wega Group’s partner and Projects team leader Toni Hemminki in the Nivala Arena panel

Toni Hemminki participated in the Nivala Arena panel discussing the project and the benefits of biogas production for farms.

Watch here:

The draft plan for the site zoning has been published

The project area is located at Kurunpuhto industrial area in Nivala, where zoning is finished and a site of 20 hectares has been reserved for the plant. The draft plan for the site zoning was published in July 2024 and it is available at webpages of Nivala city.

Basic design of the plant is on-going

The basic design specifications have been initiated in the project. The international engineering company Ramboll Oy has been chosen as the lead designer. In selecting the lead designer, the experience in the design of large-scale agricultural-based biogas plants was emphasized.

Feedstock survey has been finished

Feedstock survey has been implemented in Nivala and its neighboring municipalities where significant amount LOI’s have been collected for biogas plant feedstock, mainly slurry, dry manure and field biomasses. High feedstock potential has been identified in the area which enables the development of a large biogas plant. The main agreement negotiations are initiated in the late summer of 2024 and the target is to obtain sufficient amount of main agreement by the end of the year.


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For cooperation partners

We are interested in cooperating with local contractors, feedstock suppliers or other operators. In cooperation matters, you can contact the project manager Taavi Vartela and in feedstock related matters Milla-Mari Vastavuo.

We are interested in cooperating with local contractors, feedstock suppliers or other operators. In cooperation matters, you can contact the project manager Taavi Vartela and in feedstock related matters Milla-Mari Vastavuo. You can also fill out the contact form below and we will be in touch.

Taavi Vartela

Director Projects
+358 44 252 8006

Milla-Mari Vastavuo

Feedstock and Sustainability Manager
+358 50 560 3551